This website traces the history of the Fitzhugh family. At the moment the most work has been done on tracing back the Fitzhugh name, so I expect most people will be interested in this site because they are decended from Hugh (who died in around 1223) whose son was the first Fitzhugh. For many people this means they will be descended from William Fitzhugh (“William The Immigrant”), who emigrated to Virginia in the USA sometime between 1670 and 1673.
The following information can be found on this site:
- a brief history of the Fitzhugh family
- information about the Fitzhugh family coat of arms
- information about the Fitzhugh china pattern
- a book has been published about the history of the Fitzhughs. Read about the Fitzhugh book
- read about updates to the book “The History of the Fitzhugh Family” after 2007
- our relationship to King Henry VIII
- a guide book to the Fitzhugh Family sites in Bedfordshire and Cork, Ireland.
- The contact email for the author – henryfitzhugh@talktalk.net